Home Cinema Design London
Every day TVs are getting bigger, resolution is getting better and prices are coming down. If you add all that up it means that there has never been a better time to look into home cinema design. Once the exclusive domain of the well-to-do home theatre design is now accessible and affordable for just about anyone who has the space.
Whether you are in search of someone to design and outfit your home cinema from scratch or you simply need someone reliable to install the home theatre equipment you already bought, Connect Automation are the ones to call.
Home Cinema Room Design Considerations
There is a lot more that goes into creating a great home cinema than buying the biggest TV you can find and hanging it on the wall. A true home cinema comprises picture, sound, environmental controls and other elements that all work together to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Here are the most important considerations that go into successful home cinema design in London:
A state-of-the-art flat screen TV: The TV isn't everything but it is certainly the hub of your system around which all other features revolve.
Or... a movie projector: If a ginormous 8K flat screen TV is beyond your current budget a more affordable option is a movie projector and blank wall.
A high-quality sound system: Whether that constitutes a high-end sound bar or an array of speakers (and all-important subwoofer) located throughout the space will be up to you.
A smart lighting system: This will enable you to set the mood in your home theatre while also making sure people can come and go safely.
1 or more streaming subscriptions: Some of today's most compelling entertainment is being delivered via streaming services. As such you'd be wise to sign up for at least 1.
A universal remote: The days of playing remote-roulette are over, and your home cinema design should reflect that.
A Blu-Ray player: Chances are you have Blu-Ray movies you want to enjoy in your new home cinema so it's vital the home theatre design include a Blu-Ray player.
Keep in mind that the size of your space will go a long way toward determining the size and placement of the various components of your new home cinema.
Why a Home Cinema Makes So Much Sense
Whether you have a home cinema design ready to go or you want the team at Connect Automation to create and install one for you, your new home theatre will soon become the focal point of your domestic experience. Not only that but your home cinema will also enhance the value of your home, help keep your teenagers home more often (rather than wandering about who knows where) and create plenty of opportunities for quality time with your significant other or family.
Get in Touch
If you want to ensure your home theatre design is everything you hoped it would be, contact the team at Connect Automation by filling out the contact form on our website or writing to: hello@connectautomation.co.uk..